Checkback Following Opener's 1NT Rebid


If opener rebids 1NT following responder's 1-level response, 2♣ from responder is checkback. It is an artificial, Stayman-like bid, designed to elicit further information about opener's hand, with particular emphasis on the major suits. Note that if responder has no interest in opener's major-suit holdings, and simply wants to invite 3NT, he/she simply bids 2NT - using 2♣ in this situation simply provides the defence with unnecessary information.

As with Stayman in response to a 1NT opening bid, responder can only use checkback if he/she is in a position to handle any response from the opening bidder.

As far as the major suits are concerned, opener is being asked to show length of which responder is so far unaware, i.e.

Note that where responder has shown a heart feature and therefore not denied a spade feature, responder can go to to show his/her own 5-card spade suit.